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The  roll up:  also called  roller shutter, is a  advertising display  self-sustainable consisting of a  banner  - a wide strip of fabric or other material - on which the content is printed e  a base  on which you can rewind the banner so as to make everything easily transportable.

These features make the  roll up  one of  more practical and effective solutions  for the advertising of the  own  brand  or gods  own products  inside  fairs and conferences.

The roll up is easy to assemble: just pull the banner up from its base and lock the mounting mechanism.

The roll up is easy to carry: being rewindable on its base, the roll up becomes compact and very easy to carry thanks to a convenient bag included to carry it.

The roll up is reusable: due to its portability, the roll up can be printed once and reused on many occasions.


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